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"Casting for the Best Role in Your Life - Your Career"

Career Cast Coaching

by Catherine J. Sidoti, I/O Psychologist, and Career Coach All working individuals know how much time is spent working. Working encompasses more than 65% of our daily lives, in some cases even more than that. Now more than ever is the best time to figure out what your vision is for your life's work. It's time to learn about what makes you excel and create a career in alignment with who you truly are. If you don't know, I can help you figure out how you can come to certain conclusions about where you would like to be based on your strengths, interests, and values. Living a life with purpose is worth living and worth doing. Don't leave your precious work-life to chance. Cast your net wide and deep into the reservoir of the black hole of organizational HRIS systems, Social Media, and the Internet. I will give you strategies that can help you dive deeply into your work. Your career is worth it and the satisfaction of knowing that a job well done is the reward you will receive, contact me, Catherine J. Sidoti, MA at 917-379-4384. I have both the experience and education to help you achieve your goals. I am here to cast you in the most important role of your life, your career. We will begin by focusing like a laser to move in the direction of your perceived goals to actual goals. Here's to your life... Catherine J. Sidoti, MA Industrial-Organizational Coaching Psychologist/Career Coach




Catherine J. Sidoti

BA Psychology​

MA Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Ph.D. Candidate in Industrial-Organizational Psychology

T: 917-379-4384

T: 917-968-7834

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