Sidoti Enterprises, Inc.

Catherine J. Sidoti, MA in Industrial Organizational Psychology. Currently she is working in the field of consulting where she has worked for more than 10 years to help organizations develop their brand and consulting to increase sales. She works as a management consultant and executive coach who coaches employees, trains and develops individuals. Currently, Catherine is working on her proposal defense for her impending Ph.D.
Coaching and Consulting for Results..Work with someone who has sold millions of dollars of business and knows how to instrumentally add value to an organization.

Media Strategy
As an advertising consultant of more than 12 years I will show you how to maximize your online presence and visibility, let me show you how.

Digital Marketing
Digitial Marketing strategies

Branding & Identity
Is your brand or your identity clearly defined, contact me and I will show you how to define your brand.

Social Marketing
Social media marketing is one of the most important strategies for business today. Whether you want to market yourself on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other forms of social media. Having a powerful online presence is the key to winning your exposure to your competition.

UX/Interactive Design
Mixed media strategies, combination of print, digital, TV, Billboards and other media strategies can powerfully get your business word out.

Content with key words is the most important strategy towards your clients getting to know exactly who you are.